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Future Food-Tech

Launched in 2015, Future Food-Tech takes place in London, Chicago and San Francisco. Future Food-Tech brings together international entrepreneurs, investors and major food brands to explore the latest opportunities in supply chain traceability, nutrition and health, and alternative proteins in the food-tech space. The in-person events are fully livestreamed via our interactive virtual summit platform to maximise connections and accessibility among our global audience. Together with World Agri-Tech Innovation Summits, they form Rethink Agri-Food Innovation Week.






1:1 Meetings
  • “A top notch event full of the leaders of the alternative food space, exciting start-ups and amazing food. Definitely THE BEST event to stay up to date within the alternative protein space.”

    Plant Protein Ingredient Advisory and Protein Network Lead, NESTLE
  • "Future Food-Tech is a key event to connect and work together towards a food system that is better for people and better for our planet. I gained new insights and a lot of potential new partners to achieve that objective."

    Global VP R&D, UNILEVER
  • “I have very much appreciated these two days. Very well prepared and animated! The format was excellent with a good balance between innovators’ and investors’ presentations.”

    R&D Director, DANONE
  • "This is an inspirational event where large established players and small innovative companies are both represented to discuss future technologies in the food space.”

    Director of Business Development , DSM
  • "Future Food-Tech is where you’ll learn where the future of food is heading. Thought leaders, thought provoking and ample opportunity to meet with everyone in the ecosystem supporting the future of food."

    VP, Investor Relations, ADM
  • "Future Food-Tech remains in my opinion, the crème de la crème of food summits after masterfully embracing the opportunity to go virtual. Learning from like-minded individuals and the potential for powerful partnerships are seamlessly built into each event much like the state of the art digital platform used to organize, schedule and introduce participants to each other."

  • "Future Food-Tech conferences are the most valuable industry events for us. They bring together a smart, robust, and innovative audience and every conference has been a tremendous opportunity to meet experts, learn about important trends, and stay connected with the pulse of the industry."

    Marketing, IBM Food Trust, IBM Blockchain

Upcoming event

02 - 03 October 2024    London

Future Food-Tech’s European flagship shines a spotlight on new technologies and partnerships that are building healthier and more sustainable food systems. The summit offers an unrivalled opportunity to meet like-minded food brand directors, investors and entrepreneurs to share, showcase and scale these innovative solutions.

With two action-packed days of thought-provoking panels, insightful presentations, roundtable discussions, workshop sessions and live tasting experiences, the summit facilitates knowledge exchange, high-value connections, and long-lasting business relationships.

Visit event website

13 - 14 March 2025    San Francisco

Focused on harnessing technology and fostering global collaboration for better food and nutrition, Future Food-Tech brings together global food-brands, investors and entrepreneurs to forge new partnerships and accelerate the adoption of innovative solutions and products to meet the growing global demand for safe, traceable, nutritious and delicious foods.

Hosted in San Francisco, and online.

Visit event website

Meet the team

Rachel Mackie
Rachel Mackie
Senior Business Development Manager - Future Food-Tech Series

Callum Alexander-Lindsay
Callum Alexander-Lindsay
Business Development Manager - Future Food-Tech

Chloe Nunn
Chloe Nunn
Senior Conference Producer

Emma Fontete
Emma Fontete
Conference Producer

Ags Kuzma
Ags Kuzma
Senior Event Manager

Sarah Curry
Sarah Curry
Events Executive

Isabella Deith
Isabella Deith
Marketing Manager

Honor Clark
Honor Clark
Marketing Assistant

Elliot Aeberhard
Elliot Aeberhard
Business Development Executive

Jasmine Baker
Jasmine Baker
Delegate Executive

Luca Arciero
Luca Arciero
Delegate Executive

Rob Stewart
Rob Stewart
Delegate Executive